Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Read and Respond 1

The point that photographer Ron Craig shared in the article was that simplicity can be much more powerful than an image that has too much going on. He thinks this point is important in photography because the viewer needs the photo to guide them to the focal point, and if the picture has too much going on then it is almost distracting to the viewer. The two best ways of achieving simplicity are through focus and color. Some others that are more complex are selective focus and contrast management. I think his advice is helpful and I agree with it because just like he said as an example, if you took a zoomed out picture of a football field then there would be no focal point and it would be too much to look at. Whereas if you took a picture of a close up of one of the athletes, then there is more detail and it guides your eyes. Also like he said about color, how your eyes are immediately drawn to the brighter colors. 

1 comment:

  1. Very clear, error-free writing, but you left out his No. 1 point: move closer. 98.
