Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Fashion photography manipulation

In the first video, the photo editor distorted her features, making her had a taller neck and bigger eyes and lips and defined cheekbones and things like that to make the model look less like ordinary people and more like models and what is said to be beautiful. 

In the second video the photo editor would smooth out her skin and make her elongated and skinnier and have bigger eyes and changed almost every part of her body.  He made her look completely different. 

In the third video they changed almost everything about her. They made her unrealistically skinny and made her blemishes go away and made her have longer hair and distorted her features to make her look like a new person. 

It isn't ethnically acceptable to do this because it sets unrealistic examples and makes people think that they need to be photoshopped to be pretty. 

Changes that are okay would be changes to things such as lighting or something that doesn't really change the way the model looks or doesn't make people have unrealistic expectations. 

The differences between photojournalism and fashion photography edits are that in photojournalism, the edits may be to tell a better story or get the point across and in fashion photography it is to make the people look skinnier or "prettier". 

In fashion photography this makes people look less realistic and makes unrealistic expectations for people. In photojournalism it can change the story and even make it far from the truth, especially since a picture is a thousand words. This affects the ethical practice of each because in the modern day, almost all fashion photography is photoshopped and so is some photojournalism. This can distort the truth. 

None of the people in the videos are guys because they don't have as high of beauty standards and people think girls have to be perfect and skinny etc. which is sexist. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Make your own photo challenge

For my challenge, you must take 3 sets of two photos each, so there will be a total of 6 pictures. For one of the photos, you must zoom in to where the subject fills the whole frame. For the second photo of the pair, you must leave a lot of empty space around the subject. Do this 3 times and then write what difference it makes to zoom in and which of the two you like better. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

3 angles photo challenge

I chose this angle because it captures the whole subject and what she is doing. 
The sun was shining in through the window making nice and soft front lighting. The background is more focused on Delaney instead of it being an empty classroom. This image is my favorite :)
I chose this angle because it is unusual and changes the source of light and doesn't allow the viewer to actually see what she is doing. This angle made the photo darker and changed the source of light to the overhead fluorescent light. This angle made more of a plain background so it could focus in more on the subject. This one is my least favorite. 

I chose this angle so the viewer can see what Delaney is doing. This photo is back lit and has interrogation lighting.the background in this picture shows you what's going on and is a little busier. This photo is in the middle for me because you can't see her face and it's a little over exposed but the other one is unattractive. 
I chose this angle to make Delaney further away but still visible. This photo had Rembrandt lighting because of the sun being the light source. The angle affected the background by showing more of the setting. His one is my middle favorite. 

I took the photo from this angle to make it be more unique and have a plain background. The lighting is Rembrandt lighting because of the sun again. The background is all of the sky so it is plain and I achieved this by doing a shot that was worms eye view. This one is my least favorite of the three. 
I chose to do this angle because it creates leading lines and is more creative. The lighting shown here is more like front lighting because the sun was behind me. The background is a lot busier because of this angle but the leading lines help to distract the viewer from that. This one is my favorite.
I chose this angle because it makes Delaney look like she would have a different personality and the fence adds texture to the picture. The lighting in this picture is mostly back lighting which makes her look more mysterious. The angle made the background add to the photo because it is a police car. This is my second favorite one. 
I chose this angle because it focuses on more on the subject and adds more of the fence in the background. The angle makes the lighting Rembrandt to side lighting. The background is all textured from the fence and this one is my least favorite. 
I chose this picture to have a more shallow depth of field and framing and just to make the photo more unusual and creative. The lighting in this picture is also Rembrandt because it is coming from the top diagonal because of the sun. The background of this isn't as busy because the fence is blocking a lot of it but it definitely isn't plain. This is my favorite!!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Photo manipulation and ethics

The main point of the story was to show how many people have lost their jobs and credibility due to Photoshopping photos. Wether they are political or just reports, many photojournalists allow their photoshopped photos to be published by big companies. 
This is unethical because by doing this, the photos can convey the wrong message, or the audience can be mis-informed because of how the photo was edited. 
I think that this photo is the most unethical (I know everyone probably chose this I'm sorry) because it totally changed the message that the photo conveys. The gun is pointed at the man with the child whereas in the original one it was not pointed at anyone specifically and the soldier seemed to be warning them. This is unethical because it is falsely showing people what is going on, and many people rely on photos to show the truth, not to mention how this could cause more controversy and confusion. 
I think that this photo is the least unethical because it doesn't really effect anyone or change anything. It still sends the same message and is such a minor harmless change. (They moved the pyramids closer together).

Friday, March 11, 2016


Ms. Adamez brought her son to work this Thursday (3/10) and taught dance 1. She is teaching modern dance and telling assigning a job to the students. "Ms. Adamez is such a great teacher and she is really fun to be around, I really like the class." Says freshman, McKenna Carpenter.

Kimberly Cochrane presents her modern dance to the the McCallum dance 1 class on March 10th. "I love watching the dances that our peers make up because I like to see their personalities through the dance" says freshman Rachel Williams.
Ms. Adamez calls on Maesia McDonald while they participate in a group discussion about modern dancing at McCallum this Thursday. "Ms. Adamez does a great job of incorporating everyone's ideas in the pieces" says freshman, Maesia McDonald.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Color photo challenge

I used my phone so I don't have settings... But it was on normal...?