Monday, March 21, 2016

Photo manipulation and ethics

The main point of the story was to show how many people have lost their jobs and credibility due to Photoshopping photos. Wether they are political or just reports, many photojournalists allow their photoshopped photos to be published by big companies. 
This is unethical because by doing this, the photos can convey the wrong message, or the audience can be mis-informed because of how the photo was edited. 
I think that this photo is the most unethical (I know everyone probably chose this I'm sorry) because it totally changed the message that the photo conveys. The gun is pointed at the man with the child whereas in the original one it was not pointed at anyone specifically and the soldier seemed to be warning them. This is unethical because it is falsely showing people what is going on, and many people rely on photos to show the truth, not to mention how this could cause more controversy and confusion. 
I think that this photo is the least unethical because it doesn't really effect anyone or change anything. It still sends the same message and is such a minor harmless change. (They moved the pyramids closer together).

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