Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Spring Final :)!!!!

Bokeh/ Macro
Settings: shutterspeed- 1/160 | ISO- 100 | aperture- f5.6
I like this photo because of the contrast between the colors, and the detail of the flower. The shallow depth of field helps make the photo have a better focal point, and draws the attention to it. Then right lighting lifts the mood of the picture and makes the colors seem more saturated. 
Settings: shutterspeed-1/60 | ISO- 400 | aperture- f5.6
I like this photo because of the way the light seeps through the trees. The bokeh effect really enhances this and gives the background more contrast. Because this is a macro photo, I think that the way the focal point takes up most of the frame and is centered draws attention to it. 
Settings: shutterspeed- 1/250 | ISO- 400 | aperture- f9
I like this photo because it shows rule of thirds, and the shallow depth of field makes the picture a lot more put together. I like the variety of colors in the photo and the background does a good job complimenting the flowers. 
Emotion in black and white
Settings: shutterspeed- 1/50 | ISO- 100 | aperture- f4.5
I like this picture because of the high contrast between the dark and the light. The lighting is almost Rembrandt, and the dramatic shadows allow the black and white to enhance the picture. The concentrated face that Sylvia is making goes well with the angle. 
Settings: shutterspeed- 1/160 | ISO- 100 | aperture- f7.1
This picture is happy and cheerful because the lighting created a spotlight on Sylvia. This picture also shows rule of thirds and the background isn't simple but still contributes to the subject. 
Settings: Shutterspeed- 1/1000 | ISO- 1600 | aperture- f5.6
I like this candid picture because it has a really shallow depth of field and the subject fits perfectly in the frame. She has a playful expression and the lighting is soft and subtle. 
Settings: Shutterspeed- 1/250 | ISO- 400 | aperture- f8
I like this photo because it is powerful and not like other typical photos. The colors all work nicely together with the different neutral shades. This shows a slight parallelism between the ropes and his arms. I chose to take this picture because my brother is always trying to improve his fitness. 

Settings: shutterspeed- 1/30 | ISO- 2500 | aperture- f4
I like this picture because the floor creates leading lines and I got lower to the ground so it could provide a different angle than your usual dog picture. This picture again has neutral colors that help compliment my dog and I liked the way that parts of her aren't in focus because of the different range. 
Settings: shutterspeed- 1/60 | ISO- 400 | aperture- f4
In this picture my mom is kindly making me a quesadilla for dinner. I chose to take this photo because my mom is always working to make us happy. I like the different colors and angles that help put the picture together. 

I just like these photos

^ and here is a crappy photoshop I made of Jacqueline onto Edna from the incredibles. 

Saturday, May 28, 2016


I I bokeh is blurring the background. It's the effect of the blur that makes it look a certain way. It's the way the lense renders out of focus points of light. 

Photographers like this because it focuses in on a subject really well and makes the light look aesthetic. 

In order to maximize bokeh in a photographers in their images they must buy a lense that has auto focus or that has fast shutterspeed and a small aperture. It needs to be able to be adjusted so you can easily get the effect. it should also have a longer lense so there can be greater distance between the subject and the background. 

Publication 1

The dark knight rises
McCallum blue brigade students perform at their spring show on April 22. They performed many different styles of dances, including the ones from competition. "The first night al of us were pumped up on adrenaline so we were all excited and then the second night we were sad to see the seniors leave so everyone was sad" says freshman, Mackenzie Remaley. 
Split up
The McCallum drill team, blue brigade, performed a disco dance at the spring show on Friday. "This dance was really fun and energetic, the crowd seemed to like it too." Says Karel Tinkler, a freshman. 
Lift your spirits
At the spring show for Blue Brigade, these McCallum dancers performed stunts by lifting their peers above their heads. "It takes a lot of practice and deduction to be on the team" says junior, Emma Irvin.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

publication lee elementary

Taking the LEEp
Previously known as Robert E. Lee Elementary, this local elementary school decided to be renamed due to the fact that Robert E. Lee was a leader in the confederacy. "it is going to be weird to see our old school being renamed, I'm so used to just saying lee" said freshman, Nadia Freeman. 
Name CalLEEng
Lee Elementary changed their name this past weekend to Russel Lee, a famous photographer during the depression era. There has been a lot of controversy about the subject because some say that they don't think it's a big enough issue to rename it. "Normally schools are named after political figures, it's cool that it will have a photographer" days Audrey Sayer, a freshman. 
New Lee to be
Due to the change of names from Robert E. Lee elementary to Russel Lee, this elementary school will have to make some changes to adapt to the new name. "I think it could be exciting to have some change around here" says second grade teacher and former student, Wren Nokes. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The present

The story unfolds when the boy gets up and the viewer can see his disability. The moments that seemed powerful or effective where the ones when he rejected the puppy because of it's missing no leg, and when we see that the boy is also missing a leg. The one that elicits the most emotion from me is when the dog keeps falling and is rejected but still is finding a way to be happy. The message I can take from this is that you shouldn't be quick to judge things or that differences can bring people together etc.the filmmaker does this by using different angles and showing the different expressions of the characters, they also use music to set the tone. 

Jump start your photography

My top ten favorite are
1. Learning a new lighting technique- I would look at articles and see the different ways to shoot using light and I would try to take pictures showing the different ways. 
2. Loot at popular photo blogs- I would go on well known photo blogs and look at the pictures that seem powerful to me and then see why and try to incorporate that in my pictures in my own way. 
3. Look at your cd covers- I think this one is great because you can look at the reasons why these photos were chosen. I would see what I like about them or try to remake them with my own spin on it. 
4. Look 360- since we are always looking forward, I would do this to push myself to look at the different angles and directions of where I am. Then I can see what makes the photo the most interesting. 
5. Use a prop in an interesting way- this one struck me because I feel like it will make my photos differentiate from eachother and allow me to just be more creative with my surroundings. 
6. Shoot an item 7x, make each one unique- we did a photo challenge like this and I liked it a lot. This one will allow me to see the effects of having different perspectives on the subject and would give my photos more variety. 
7. Shoot a sporting event- I think this one is a good one because there are a lot of oppurtinities at sporting events and it would be great to shoot some other aspects than just the event. 
8. Photo a day project- I think this one would help me see what I like to photograph and make me see what I should improve on. 
9. Shoot in the dark- this one will push my limits as a photographer because it is hard to get a good quality photo in the dark so I would like to see what I can do and help improve my skills. 
10. Tell a story in 5 pictures- this would help me get the point across in my pictures. I could use composition and technique to convey a message to the viewer.