Saturday, May 28, 2016


I I bokeh is blurring the background. It's the effect of the blur that makes it look a certain way. It's the way the lense renders out of focus points of light. 

Photographers like this because it focuses in on a subject really well and makes the light look aesthetic. 

In order to maximize bokeh in a photographers in their images they must buy a lense that has auto focus or that has fast shutterspeed and a small aperture. It needs to be able to be adjusted so you can easily get the effect. it should also have a longer lense so there can be greater distance between the subject and the background. 


  1. You need a large aperture for bokeh (large aperture = small f-stop = bokeh). You didn't really find the best source for information about this. The pictures are good examples though. Your response is also eight days late. :*( 87

  2. Hello, please contact me.
    You are using a photo of mine without permission.
    Best regards,
