Thursday, December 17, 2015

Final project- photo essay

Got a Latte Work to do
The holidays are approaching and my mom pulls into the coffee bean and tea leaf for an energy boost before she starts her busy day. "Having my coffee is essential to get everything done on time" she says.

Sharing is Car-ing
My mom picks up our friends, Nadia Freeman, Adrien Stedman, Jack Davern, and Audrey Sayer from McCallum High School after the fourth day of finals. "I like to carpool because it's a good time to reflect on our day" says freshman, Nadia Freeman.

Shopping at Urban Outfitters on the drag, my mom looks for gifts. Christmas is a time for friends, family, and least importantly, presents. Finals have made it a busy week, so we have to try to get our shopping done whenever there is an opportunity. "It's not only the most wonderful time of the year, but one of the most stressful" says my mom. 

Red and Green for Stop and Go
Not only are the holidays filled will congested noses, but also congested streets. On the way back to McCallum, for the fourth time that day, my mom gets stuck in a traffic jam. "There is so much driving to be done this week, especially since Henry is in soccer now" she says. 

Home Sweet Home
After all of the driving, my brother, Henry, my mom and I return home. This is when we start our homework, eat, and in my moms case, take a 15 minute "power nap". "Taking a little nap is just what I need to get back on my feet and carry on with the day" my mom says. 

More Decor
My mom puts up the house decorations later this year, due to how busy she has been, taking care of her two high school students. "I'm surprised your decorations weren't up already, especially because you guys love to celebrate Christmas" says Delaney Carter.

Paw-some Play Mate
My mom plays with our dog, Emma in the back yard so she (Enma) can let out some energy. "It's hard to find the time to play with [Emma] because I am always working and so is mom" says my brother, Henry.

Wash Where You're Going!
My mom puts the dishes in the dish washer after the days dirty work (dishes), making sure our house is clean for our holiday guests. "It's hard to keep the house clean when everyone keeps using a bunch of cups" she says.

She's quite the Wrapper
Under a time crunch, my mom hurrys to wrap some of my cousins presents to be sent off to Portland, Oregon. "I'm glad to have some help because I couldn't wrap everything by myself" says my mom. 

Walkin around the Christmas tree
My mom takes our dog on a walk so they can both stay excercised and burn off the calories from all of these holiday snacks around Christmas time. "Bark bark" (I love when mom finds time to take me on walks) says Emma. 

Having a ruff time getting home
My dog and my mom run into other walking dogs, and my mom has to try to pull them apart.
^bonus pic!
Wore-n Out
"It's amazing how fast you guys can go through clothes" says my mom as she works on doing the laundry at the end of the day. 

Sleigh bells (ear)ring
Before going out to her boyfriends holiday work party, my mom gets ready and puts on some jewelry. "I'm glad she can come with me, it seems like she's pretty busy" says her boyfriend, Dan. 

Shopping is my car-dio
After a long day of running errands, my mom goes out on one more run to the store to grab some more things for dinner. "It's hard work, but it all pays off" say my mom.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Publication assignment 4

Tuning in
Jackson Haynes (11) performs "Etude No. 1" by Heitor Villa Lobos during the classical guitar concert in the Mac theatre. "I like to play the guitar because it is an interesting instrument and Mr. Clark is a great teacher who makes the class really enjoyable" says fellow guitar student, Jack Davern (11).

Don't fret
Junior Anton von Sehrwald, performs a solo at the last classical guitar concert of 2015. The audience loved listening to Sehrwald. Fellow guitar classmate, Maesia McDonald (9) says that her "favorite thing about guitar is the meaning and the sweet sound of the music they play". 

Looking sharp
The beginning guitar class prepares to play the first song of the night at the classical guitar concert. Freshman Rylie Jones says that she has "been wanting to play guitar for a while, and it is a good way to get involved in the fine arts program at McCallum".

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Publication assignment 3


Matan Bos Orent (10) plays the violin for the award winning McCallum orchestra at their orchestra class concert. "I like how the sound of the violin and how loud it is" said Matan. 

Freshman Ian Jenson plays the (silent) night away on his violin in the Mac theatre for the orchestra class concert. "I like figuring out how to incorporate all of the different aspects of playing together in order to make presentable sound" says Ian. 

Try-alin hard
Junior Mathew weinberg and Freshman Jude Belding jam out at the McCallum orchestra class concert, one of their last concerts of 2015. "I love the unique and pretty sounds that the violin makes and there is always room to improve" says Jude. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Sports photography

Chosen- photography tutsplus

I think this article was helpful because it tells you both technical and compositional ways of changing the way you take sports photos. For example, it tells you to use a fast shutter speed and be ready to use a high Iso but it also tell ma you to remember the surroundings and try something different/ get a new angle.
I think this is reputable because it is a national website that specializes in tutorials. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Family photos

This picture shows what my family is like because my older brother, Henry is just learning to drive in his new car. The car is a white jeep that was passed down from my grandfather when he passed away. This is when we all talk and bond over how we are scared we are going to die. 

This picture shows a tradition that we have. In this photo, my dad is putting the lights on our Christmas tree for us to all decorate together. We always get our trees the day after thanksgiving.

This photo is my favorite because I like how it's like you are getting to look in on my family and I like how the framing adds to the picture. I also loooooooove Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This picture shows an old Christmas song, my grandparents loved Christmas almost as much as me so we like to celebrate and get in the spirit. 

This picture shows my mom dropping is off at our dads house. This is because a lot of the time, my brother and I are running around from house to house. This shows that my parents are divorced but they are still friends.