Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Family photos

This picture shows what my family is like because my older brother, Henry is just learning to drive in his new car. The car is a white jeep that was passed down from my grandfather when he passed away. This is when we all talk and bond over how we are scared we are going to die. 

This picture shows a tradition that we have. In this photo, my dad is putting the lights on our Christmas tree for us to all decorate together. We always get our trees the day after thanksgiving.

This photo is my favorite because I like how it's like you are getting to look in on my family and I like how the framing adds to the picture. I also loooooooove Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This picture shows an old Christmas song, my grandparents loved Christmas almost as much as me so we like to celebrate and get in the spirit. 

This picture shows my mom dropping is off at our dads house. This is because a lot of the time, my brother and I are running around from house to house. This shows that my parents are divorced but they are still friends. 

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