Thursday, December 10, 2015

Publication assignment 4

Tuning in
Jackson Haynes (11) performs "Etude No. 1" by Heitor Villa Lobos during the classical guitar concert in the Mac theatre. "I like to play the guitar because it is an interesting instrument and Mr. Clark is a great teacher who makes the class really enjoyable" says fellow guitar student, Jack Davern (11).

Don't fret
Junior Anton von Sehrwald, performs a solo at the last classical guitar concert of 2015. The audience loved listening to Sehrwald. Fellow guitar classmate, Maesia McDonald (9) says that her "favorite thing about guitar is the meaning and the sweet sound of the music they play". 

Looking sharp
The beginning guitar class prepares to play the first song of the night at the classical guitar concert. Freshman Rylie Jones says that she has "been wanting to play guitar for a while, and it is a good way to get involved in the fine arts program at McCallum".

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