Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Best of 2015

Photographer- Daniel Etter

I like this photo because it shows emotion and how he is caring forthe children. Your eyes are immediately drawn to his expression, and the background helps you figure out what is going on.

Photographer- Sergey Ponomarav

This photographer had to risk his health in order to take this picture and the smoke in the background makes people in the front more noticeable. It freezes the action and allows you to see everyone's reaction and the detail on their faces. 

Photographer- Aris Messinis

The colors of in this picture really exaggerate the drama and effectiveness. The silhouettes also help with that. I like how the photographer went on the other side of the light source in order to make the picture more mysterious. 

I think that the best song of 2015 was "Hello" by Adele. This song was the best because it was the first song released from Adele's new album, 25. This was after she went off the charts for a little while, so everyone was really excited when it was released. It broke many records for songs and her voice captivated everyone that listened to the song. 

I think that the most important news report of 2015 was the shottings in Paris. This made people aware of what happened. Unlike the presidential debate, where it wasn't sudden, and people knew about it, many people hadn't known about the shocking attack in Paris.

The best movie of 2015 was probably Star Wars; The Force Awakens because it was a newer version of a classic movie. It attracted many people and was all the talk. It attracted a wide audience, and had a girl as the main character for once. 

The most important person of 2015 was Caitlyn Jenner. I wouldn't say she was the most important but she had a big influence on the society. Her transformation was a big deal and shocked many people, but was also a step in the right direction for many. This was huge for the transgender community and everyone because of how much is going on with gay rights. 

The biggest sports story of the year was when the USA won the women's World Cup. It was located in Canada, and we beat Japan 5-2.

One thing that I will remember from my vacation is Christmas Eve, when we had an open house and all of our friends and family came and hung out. It was really fun and I found a new family to babysit for. Normally we only have one family over, so this kind of broke our tradition. 

My resolutions for 2016 are to get more than 6 hours of sleep, and to not stress out about school work as much. I also want to eat more vegetables and cliche stuff like that.

This year, im looking forward to going skiing with my cousins. I used to go skiing every year but we haven't for the past two or three. Im excited because I love hanging out with my cousins since I never get to see them because they live in Oregon. I am probably going to fall but that's ok. I'm snow excited! 

1 comment:

  1. Nice job. I wish you had provided the context of your three photos in a bit more detail as I think the who, what and where are really important (not just the composition). 100
